This study focuses on the seismic performance evaluation of Non- Engineered RC School Building in Sukhipur municipality to find the performance point of those school buildings. Apart from that, it also helps to provide performance assessment of structures during the earthquake. The 2072 Gorkha Earthquake destroyed most of the buildings with high importance (schools, hospitals, monuments, etc.) and was the reason for the decrease in strength of most of the standing ones. This weakened existing buildings need to be retrofitted in order to withstand future earthquake of similar or greater magnitude. For evaluation, pushover analysis via ETABS is used to obtain the capacity demand curve, which provide the performance levels of structures following the guidelines of FEMA356 and ATC 40. Also, seismic evaluation will help determine the most vulnerable and weak components and determine the deficiencies of a building during earthquake. This evaluation aims to improve the seismic performance and correct the deficiencies by increasing the strength capacity and stiffness and improving the connection joints.