International Journal of Advanced Research in Peace, Harmony and Education

Bibliographic Information
Publishing Year: | 2016 |
Origin: | India |
Language: | English |
Abstracting and Indexing Information: | ISA, Google Scholar, DRJI, ESJI, Jour informatics, SIS, BASE, IFSIJ, JSTOR, Infobase index, OAJI. |
About the journal
International Journal of Advance Research in Peace, Harmony and Education is a Journal from bouquet of Advanced Research Publications which is dedicated to the domain of peace, faith, harmony, spirituality and education. IJoARPHE will be quarterly published online and printed twice a year. It will publish original, peer – reviewed research papers, review articles, letters to editor, perspective and opinions. All the submitted articles will undergo Plagiarism check with the available software. The Journal attaches a special importance to articles sent by residents and our society members.
The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Focus & Scope:
- Religious harmony and Interfaith harmony
- Media and harmony
- Harmonious society
- Harmony & Peace studies
- Harmony & peace research
- Existential harmony
- Spirituality, Peace and harmony
- Co-existence, harmony and peace
- Harmony education & Peace Education
- Peace organizations
- Harmony centric education and research
- Laws of harmony
- Harmony through the ages
- Environment, ecology and harmony in nature
- Science-Technology and harmony
- Political harmony
- Harmony in literature, media and language
- Peace, development and social harmony
- Social harmony :philosophies & theories
- Philosophies of peace and harmony
- Law & legislations for harmonious society
- World Peace in multicultural society
- Peace and conflict resolution
- Democracy and Peace
- Interfaith, Social cohesion and Peace
- Conflict Transformation
- Environmental Peacebuilding
- Development, Justice and Peace
- Journalism and peace, media for peace,
- Social-Psychological Dimensions of Conflict and Peace
- Socio-Economic and Political Dimensions of Conflict and Peace
- Constructive Confrontation and Peace
- Constructive Intervention for Third Parties for Peace
- Peace, Conflict and Development Research
- Sustainable Development Solutions Network - World Happiness
- Global Problems and efforts for the solution
- Trends of peace and harmony education
- Peace activism
- Education Curricula for peace and harmony
- Pedagogy and peace and harmony
- Human Values, Ethics studies and research
- Theories for peace and harmonious living
- Thinkers : peace and harmony
- Cultural transformation and peace
- Curricular and co-curricular activities for peace and harmony
- Education policies and planning for peace and harmony
- Educational management for harmony & peace
- Future world order for peace and harmony
- Orderliness, systemic orders and cosmic harmony
- Harmony from microcosm to macrocosm
- Role of meditation, yoga and human values education for harmony in society