Journal of Advanced Research in Networking and Communication Engineering

Bibliographic Information
Publishing Year: | 2019 |
Origin: | India |
Language: | English |
Readership: | Network engineer, CISCO Labs, Networking certifications, Hardware certifications |
About the journal
Journal of Advanced Research in Networking and Communication Engineering is a peer reviewed journal which is dedicated to the latest advancement of Networking and Communication domain and publishes high quality theoretical and applied research from scientific research to application development.
The scope of the journal covers Research Articles, Review Articles, Methodology Articles, Short Communications, Case Study/ Case Reports, Research Reports, Monographs, Special Issues, Editorials research articles, Reviews, short communications and scientific commentaries in all the areas of Networking and Communication. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Networking Technologies, Communication Engineering, Communication Systems, Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Systems, Control and Communications, RFID Technology and Applications, Wireless Communications, Advanced Wireless Networks, Wireless and Mobile Computing, Network Programming, Next Generation Networks, Soft Computing and Networking, Advanced Network Management and Security, Networking and Virtual Organizations, Antenna Design, Antennas, propagation, interference, Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, Information and Communication Technology, OSS & BSS, Smart Grid and Green Communications, LANS, MANS, WANS, Broadband and Multimedia Technologies, Network Design & Optimization, Social Network Mining and more.