The price list for 2023 has been released and the issues of 2022 are available in stock. Register now for upcoming conference by emailing us at

Journal of Communicable Diseases (JCD)

Epidemiology International

Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health

International Journal of Advanced Research in Gynaecology and Obstetrics

International Journal of Advanced Research in Microbiology and Immunology

International Journal of Healthcare Education & Medical Informatics

International Journal of Nursing & Midwifery Research

International Journal of Preventive Cardiology

International Journal of Preventive, Curative & Community Medicine

Journal of Advanced Research in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy

Journal of Advanced Research in Dental & Oral Health

Journal of Advanced Research in Medical Science and Technology

Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine

Journal of Advanced Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences & Pharmacology Interventions

Journal of Advanced Research in Psychology & Psychotherapy

Journal of Drug Discovery and Development

Journal of Integrated Community Health

Recent Advances in Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (RAPL)

Showing 1 to 18 of 18 (1 Pages)

Advanced Research Publications’ Medical Journals encompass peer-reviewed research relevant to clinicians, medical scientists, teachers, students, and other healthcare professionals. These Journals provide invaluable information and help for keeping abreast of new medical innovations.

Online access to full text in all these Journals is free as they are published under open access mode. Only print version has a cost. You can buy medical Journal online.

Clicking on each journal-title provides background information regarding the Journal such as policies and ethics for editors, reviewers, authors, and publisher. Home page of the Journal provides information such as the journal’s ISSN, indexing, aims and scope, article processing charges, etc.

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All medical Journals published by Advanced Research publications are open access; it means that online version of all articles will forever be freely available immediately after publication globally from our website. Open access publications enhance use and get more citations. For fast publication, you can rely on us with efficient and stringent peer review with a streamlined electronic production workflow.

Before submitting your article, please click all the tabs on the website of the journal and read through them. Read our instruction for authors and editorial policies pages online to ensure that your paper meets the criteria of the Journal. Register yourself as an author and submit the manuscript by clicking login. You may submit your manuscript through email address ( along with a covering letter preferably by the corresponding author or first author.

High-quality research is essential for the evolution of any speciality of science. Our journals support in dissemination of novel ideas and research by making them accessible to the wider audience.

However, presentation of research in a format that engages the reader’s attention is quite challenging. While preparing a research article for publication in a reputed medical journal, the following points should well be taken care of:

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To publish you research in open access Journal online, you would choose a Journal that will depend on the subject area of your manuscript, the scope of the journal, and the stage of your career. All our Journals’ websites provide specific author instructions with regards to scope, format, word limit, and so on. You should, therefore, try to follow these guidelines to increase the chances of getting your work published. Your research results should be relevant to the audience you are targeting.

Peer-Reviewed and Open Access Medical Journal

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Special Features

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  •  Journals are associated with reputed associations, colleges, and societies
  • Intermittent publication of special issues on the current trends of scientific research
  •  All our publications are in accordance to the terms of Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License.
  •  All our publications are in accordance to the terms of Open Access Creative Commons Attribution License.
  • You can copy, reuse, adapt the work citing the original research article
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  • We support the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing
  • Our journals also accept Letters to the Editors and Brief Comments that contribute to previously published articles. All articles are peer-reviewed before publication.