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IAP Journal of Medical Education and Research

Bibliographic Information

Official Publications : Medical Education Chapter of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics
Frequency: Biannual
Origin: Indian
Language: English


IAP Journal of Medical Education and Research

Name: Dr.Roosy Aulakh

Affiliation: Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh

Scope of the Journal

The journal aims to address all aspects of medical education at undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education levels. This includes curriculum design, development, and evaluation; teaching-learning and assessment methods, feedback, mentorship, scholarship, faculty development, educational leadership, quality assurance, education policies, research, etc. to cater to the needs of teachers and administrators involved in training health professionals.

The journal aims to publish a variety of articles - Editorial, Original Research articles, Review articles, Perspective, Updates, Short Reports, Correspondence, Commentary, Methodology Improvisations (innovation), Snippets, Meeting Reports, and Medical Education event Announcements.

IAP Journal of Medical Education and Research

Indexing Information