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International Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism, Culture and Literature

Bibliographic Information

Publisher : Advanced Research Publications
Official Publications : Advanced Research Publications
Frequency: Bi-Annually
Publishing Since: 2024
Origin: India
Language: English

Scope: The International Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism, Culture and Literature aims to provide a platform for scholarly discourse and cutting-edge research in the intersecting fields of journalism, culture, and literature. It welcomes contributions that explore a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  1. Journalism Practices: Analysis of contemporary journalistic practices, investigative journalism, ethics in journalism, emerging trends in digital journalism, citizen journalism, and journalism education.
  2. Cultural Studies: Examination of cultural phenomena, cultural production, cultural identity, cultural representation in media, cultural policy, cultural globalization, and intercultural communication.
  3. Literary Studies: Critical analysis of literary texts, literary theory and criticism, comparative literature, genre studies, postcolonial literature, feminist literature, and interdisciplinary approaches to literature.
  4. Media and Society: Studies on the role of media in shaping society, media effects on culture and literature, media and identity formation, media and democracy, media and social change, and media convergence.
  5. Cultural Journalism: Exploration of cultural journalism practices, cultural reporting, cultural criticism, arts journalism, cultural policy reporting, and the role of cultural journalism in society.
  6. Literature and Society: Investigations into the relationship between literature and society, literature and politics, literature and history, literature and identity, and the impact of literature on social change and cultural discourse.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism, Culture and Literature

Indexing Information