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Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health

Peer Review Process

Peer review is the critical assessment of manuscripts submitted to journals by experts who are usually not part of the editorial staff.  The reviewer assesses the manuscript for quality, originality, validity and whether appropriate method has been followed.

We adhere to the  Committee on Publication Ethics Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers policy and ICJME recommendations for peer review.

Articles that meet minimal requirements are assigned to three or more reviewers. Peer review process is double blind: identity of reviewers and authors is not revealed to one another.

Newly submitted manuscript primarily goes through plagiarism check. Next step is their screening by the editors: the manuscript might get rejected if it is found to be of insufficient quality, outside focus and scope of the journal or if it is considered not original.

Articles that meet minimal requirements are assigned to the reviewers and we assign it to minimum three reviewers. A reviewer has to provide his feedback on a manuscript within 15 days. The reviewed manuscript is sent to the author for revision. The file corrected by the author is again sent to reviewer.

The final decision on the manuscript is taken by the editor. Only when there are any conflict issues, the editor-in-chief of the journal is involved.

For additional information, please visit Publication Ethics and Malpractice.

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