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Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics Engineering and Technology

Bibliographic Information

Official Publications : Advanced Research Publications
eISSN : 2456-1428
Impact Factor : SJIF: 5.923
DOI Of Journal : 10.24321/2456.1428
Frequency: Quarterly
Publishing Since: 2014
Origin: India
Language: English
Index Copernicus Value (ICV): ICV 2023:71.83

Scope of the Journal

The scope of the journal encompasses, but is not limited to, the following key areas:

Advance electronic design technology, advance trends in electronics & communication systems, analog electronics, analogue circuits, active electronics components, communication protocols, communication theory and techniques, control and instrumentation, computer aided design (cad), digital electronics, digital signal processing, electronic circuits, electronics theory, electronic sensors and sensory systems, embedded systems, instrumentation, information theory, medical electronics, microwave theory and techniques, mathematical methods in electronics, microprocessor engineering and applications, network theory and circuit design, opto-electro and optical communication, power electronics & power systems, switching systems and networks, sensor research & technology, switching theory and techniques, semiconductor devices, signal and system theory, telecommunication, transmission systems, VLSI design tools and technology, wireless, optical communications, electronic devices and components, integrated circuits and systems, digital, renewable energy systems, nanoelectronics and nanotechnology, bioelectronics and biomedical devices, sensors and sensor networks, microwave and rf engineering, photonics and optoelectronics, internet of things (iot) and wearable electronics, robotics and automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence in electronics, emerging trends,  technologies in electronics engineering

Indexing Information: ISA, DRJI, ESJI, Jour informatics, SIS, BASE, IFSIJ, JSTOR, Infobase index, OAJI.

 Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics Engineering and Technology

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