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Journal of Advanced Research in Geo Sciences and Remote Sensing

Bibliographic Information

Official Publications : Advanced Research Publications
eISSN : 2455-3190
Impact Factor : SJIF: 6.007
DOI Of Journal : 10.24321/2455.3190
Frequency: Quarterly
Publishing Since: 2014
Origin: India
Language: English

Journal of Advanced Research in Geo Sciences and Remote Sensing (JoARGSRS) gears towards providing a resource of shared knowledge of high-quality research and innovations andfocuses on innovative research results in various areas of Geosciences and Remote Sensing. The journal welcomes original papers, reviews, and discussions about all interdisciplinary aspects of the Geosciences and Remote Sensing and all related fields such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology keeping in view trans-disciplinary links. Its scope includes:

Geo Sciences

Atmospheric science, cartography, coal geology, environmental sciences, environmental geology and hazard geology, geology, geophysics, geochemistry, geodynamics, gravimetric glaciology, geological hazards, gravimetric methods, geographical information systems, geology of petroleum and natural gas, hydrogeology, marine sciences, mineral deposits, mineralogy, meteorology, neotectonics, oceanography, ore-deposit geology, petrology, paleontology, physical geography, physics of the earth and space physics, sedimentology, seismic prospecting, seismology, sedimentary basin dynamics, soil science, stratigraphy, tectonics, volcanology, applications of computer science in geology and geophysics, flood modeling and its impacts, flood risk management.

Remote Sensing

Active and passive microwave remote sensing; change detection; data fusion and data assimilation; dedicated satellite missions; emerging trends of remote sensing, geometric reconstruction, image processing and pattern recognition; LiDAR and laser scanning; multi-spectral and hyper-spectral remote sensing; operational processing facilities, physical modelling and signatures, remote sensing applications, space-borne, airborne and terrestrial platforms.

Indexing Information: ISA, Google Scholar, DRJI, ESJI, Jour informatics, SIS, BASE, IFSIJ, JSTOR, Infobase index, OAJI.

Journal of Advanced Research in Geo Sciences and Remote Sensing

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