To advance knowledge regarding the cause, prevalence, epidemiology, treatment, prevention, and control of Communicable Diseases such as Malaria, Tuberculosis, Ebola, Hepatitis, Rabies, Diarrhoea, Herpes, Shigellosis, Meningitis, Gas Gangrene, Leprosy, Dengue, Plague, Polio, HIV/ AIDS, Epidemiology related to Infectious Diseases, HIV/ AIDS, Contact Infection, Bacterial Infection, Viral Diseases, Parasitic Diseases, Rubella, Tropical Neglected Diseases, Tick-Borne Infections, Typhoid and Zika. To stimulate scientific and practical interest among professionals, academicians’ familiar people, and organizations in the prompt and effective application of treatment, prevention, and control methods. To disseminate such knowledge both to scientists and to the general public. The journal publishes research on epidemiological/ entomological diseases, focusing on causes, risk management, diagnosis, cure, and prevention of Communicable Diseases.