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Journal of Advanced Research in Sustainable Urban Development and Community Empowerment Initiatives

Bibliographic Information

Official Publications : Advanced Research Publications
Origin: India
Language: English

Scope: The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, case studies, and theoretical contributions that advance understanding and practices related to sustainable urban development and community empowerment initiatives. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. Sustainable urban planning and design
  2. Smart cities and digital technologies for urban development
  3. Community-based participatory approaches to urban governance
  4. Social equity, justice, and inclusivity in urban development
  5. Environmental sustainability and green infrastructure in urban areas
  6. Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in cities
  7. Economic development and urban regeneration initiatives
  8. Public health and wellbeing in urban environments
  9. Transportation and mobility solutions for sustainable cities
  10. Cultural heritage preservation and urban identity
  11. Sustainable housing and affordable living in urban areas
  12. Innovative financing mechanisms for urban development projects
  13. Community engagement and empowerment strategies
  14. Capacity building and education for sustainable urban development
  15. Policy analysis and advocacy for sustainable urban development

The journal encourages contributions that integrate theoretical insights with empirical evidence and practical implications for policymakers, urban planners, community leaders, and other stakeholders involved in promoting sustainable urban development and fostering community empowerment. Interdisciplinary and comparative studies are particularly encouraged to provide holistic perspectives on the complex interplay between urbanization, sustainability, and community wellbeing.

Journal of Advanced Research in Sustainable Urban Development and Community Empowerment Initiatives

Indexing Information