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Journal of Advanced Research in Technological Entrepreneurship and Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems

Bibliographic Information

Official Publications : Advanced Research Publications
Origin: India
Language: English

Scope: The scope of the journal encompasses a wide range of topics related to technological entrepreneurship and start-up incubation ecosystems, including but not limited to:

  1. Entrepreneurial Processes and Strategies:
    • Identification and evaluation of entrepreneurial opportunities in technological domains
    • Innovation and technology commercialization
    • Business model development and adaptation in technological ventures
    • Entrepreneurial finance and funding mechanisms for technology-driven start-ups
  2. Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems:
    • Analysis of start-up support mechanisms, such as incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces
    • Evaluation of government policies and initiatives aimed at fostering technological entrepreneurship
    • Role of educational institutions, research centers, and industry collaborations in nurturing start-ups
    • Impact assessment of incubation programs on start-up success and regional economic development
  3. Entrepreneurial Behavior and Decision Making:
    • Psychological aspects of entrepreneurship in technological contexts
    • Founder characteristics, teams, and leadership dynamics in technology start-ups
    • Risk perception and management strategies in technology entrepreneurship
  4. Technological Innovation and Disruption:
    • Disruptive technologies and their implications for entrepreneurship
    • Technological trends shaping entrepreneurial opportunities and challenges
    • The role of emerging technologies (e.g., AI, blockchain, IoT) in entrepreneurial ventures
  5. Social and Environmental Entrepreneurship:
    • Technological entrepreneurship for social impact and sustainability
    • Eco-innovation and green entrepreneurship in technological ventures
    • Ethical considerations in technology-driven entrepreneurial endeavors
  6. International and Comparative Studies:
    • Cross-country comparisons of technological entrepreneurship ecosystems
    • Internationalization strategies and challenges for technology start-ups
    • Cultural and institutional influences on technological entrepreneurship

The journal welcomes empirical studies, theoretical contributions, conceptual frameworks, case studies, literature reviews, and methodological advancements that significantly contribute to advancing knowledge and understanding in the field of technological entrepreneurship and start-up incubation ecosystems. Interdisciplinary approaches and contributions from diverse geographical contexts are encouraged to enrich the discourse and inform both academia and practice in this rapidly evolving domain.

Journal of Advanced Research in Technological Entrepreneurship and Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems

Indexing Information